Pete's Big Lunch - Find the words!!!

Food - Do you like...?

Do you like?, an interactive worksheet by msepulv9

Food and drinks - Find the words!!!

Food - Listen, read and match!!!

Food - Listen and click!

Food match 5, an interactive worksheet by raquelgq_edu

Food - Drag and drop the name of the food!


Food, an interactive worksheet by Teacherpoeta

Food and drink - vocabulary


Let's Sing - What a Wonderful World!!!


Spring - Read, then colour according to the instructions!!!


Spring Clothes - Find the pairs and win the game!!!


Spring - Memory game!!!


Spring Vocabulary - Match and win the game!!!


Spring Vocabulary- Match and win the game!!!


"Semana das Línguas" - Dia do Inglês

As turmas do 3.º e 4.º anos retrataram aspetos da cultura Anglo-Saxónica com recurso a materiais recicláveis.
Alunos e Encarregados de Educação estão de parabéns pelo magnífico trabalho!!!😊