eTwinning reading club


Mais um trabalho colaborativo, elaborado no projeto “eTwinning reading club”. Criámos histórias, em conjunto! Portugal escreveu e ilustrou a introdução, Espanha o desenvolvimento e o Chipre a conclusão.


Animals + can, an interactive worksheet by danielapaso

 Farm Animals

In the farm reading, an interactive worksheet by Leohanny

Farm Animals

 Wild (zoo) animals.

How many....?

Wild (Zoo) Animals

 Months of the year

Months, an interactive worksheet by anto11

 Months of the year.

Let's sing!

The Days of the week.
Days of the week, an interactive worksheet by missandrearv


The Days of the week

The days of the week, an interactive worksheet by victor

Pete's Big Lunch - Find the words!!!

Food - Do you like...?

Do you like?, an interactive worksheet by msepulv9

Food and drinks - Find the words!!!

Food - Listen, read and match!!!

Food - Listen and click!

Food match 5, an interactive worksheet by raquelgq_edu

Food - Drag and drop the name of the food!


Food, an interactive worksheet by Teacherpoeta

Food and drink - vocabulary


Let's Sing - What a Wonderful World!!!


Spring - Read, then colour according to the instructions!!!


Spring Clothes - Find the pairs and win the game!!!


Spring - Memory game!!!


Spring Vocabulary - Match and win the game!!!


Spring Vocabulary- Match and win the game!!!


"Semana das Línguas" - Dia do Inglês

As turmas do 3.º e 4.º anos retrataram aspetos da cultura Anglo-Saxónica com recurso a materiais recicláveis.
Alunos e Encarregados de Educação estão de parabéns pelo magnífico trabalho!!!😊 

Winter - Winter clothes song


Winter - Song


Let's have fun!!! - Body


Let's practice - Body

Let's practice - Body

My Body, an interactive worksheet by Teacher_Jane

Let's practice - Body

I am a monster, an interactive worksheet by msepulv9

Body - Vocabulary

Body - Song

Places in the city / Prepositions of place


My town 4, an interactive worksheet by sandrova

Places in the city


Places in the city





My House


Family trees